
“Be kind to people, be ruthless to systems.”

Michael Brooks, English science writer

Student Achievement Strategies

Support for educational success

Sparrow Collaborative empowers families and schools through educational consultation, coaching and advocacy in the Pacific Northwest to ensure all students have the supports and resources they need to thrive.

We provide guidance for families to understand their child's evaluations and navigating tiered supports at school.
We provide an evidence-based, real-world tested approach for teams rooted in implementation science.
We connect the dots to resources.
We demystify Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS).
We distill complex educational systems into simple clear steps to help families navigate the system and become equal partners at any team meeting.

For Parents

Empowering families through coaching and resources, guiding them to understand child evaluations, navigate school supports, and partner with schools and communities for success.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation session to find the best solution for you and your family.

For Schools and Organizations

Customized training, coaching, and resources to schools, districts, and organizations, emphasizing understanding, implementation, and sustainability of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework and tailored strategies to enhance home-school collaboration.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation session for more details.

Let’s collaborate for student success

Ready to find the guidance you need?


Leslie has helped our family navigate early literacy needs for our Kindergartener. As soon as we had our initial conversation, we felt like we finally had a partner who wanted to take a whole-person approach to learning about our child, who instilled confidence that our child would find success, and who was fully invested in helping us navigate how to best support our child.

Leslie provided a balanced approach of educating us on early literacy education, informing us what we should expect our school team to provide to us and our child, providing additional resources, and encouraging us that we were moving in the right direction. Our consultation with Leslie allowed us to approach a meeting with our school teacher, interventionists, and administrators with a clear agenda and informed expectations. Leslie coached us on how to take a partnership-first approach, which has built a stronger overall team of support for our child.

As first-time parents, navigating early literacy needs in the public school system has felt daunting, isolating, and overwhelming. Thanks to Leslie, we finally feel educated and empowered to advocate for our child in a productive way.

- Kindergarten parent